Hill, located in the Northeast of the United States, has
its origin in the late 1600s when settlers came to the
town. In the early 1700s though a mysterious epidemic
broke out and the town was abandoned.
It wasn't until 1810 that the town was resettled as a
penal colony, and the Silent Hill prison as well as Brookhaven
Hospital were constructed. This was the time when the
town actually was named ''Silent Hill''.

1840 - about 20 years after Maine became a state - the
prison was closed and due
to the discovering of a coal
field and the opening of the Wiltse coal mines, the town
was revitalized. The Silent Hill Historical Society was
then constructed on the former prison site. Holding many
paintings including Allen Smith's famous ''Waterfront
Landscape'', the Historical Society conveys a sense of
the town's history.
year after the outbreak of the civil war, the Toluca Prison
Camp was constructed for POWs, in 1866 it was converted
into Toluca Prison. One of the most famous citizen of
Silent Hill was Patrick Chester, a soldier who fought
in the civil war. A stone statue was built and placed
in Rosewater Park as a memorial for him.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Wiltse coal
mine was closed. Ever since then the town has drawn more
and more people into this area, and so today Silent Hill
is a popular vacation resort, know for its beauty and
The Lakeside Amusement Park was constructed, and not far
from it, right at the shore of the atmospheric Toluca
Lake, the Lakeview Hotel was built.
It is said that the whole area is sacred ground where
native Americans conducted mysterious rituals. Before
settlers came from Europe, Silent Hill was considered
to be a holy place, and was referred to as ''The Place
of the Silenced Spirits''. However, the natives where
driven away by the European settlers and were forced to
abandon the area.
Rumors: Since the late 1900s people started disappearing
all over the town, and strange events happened occasionally,
like the mayor of Silent Hill dies suddenly, and one after
another staff member of a development group dies accidental
deaths. It is said that an occult group, calling themselves
''The Order'', is situated in the town and has its origin
in the old religion of the natives