Heather's Transform
costume, also known as Princess Heart, is very special in many
ways, and a very interesting cosplay.
On her head she wears something that would be best described
"it looks like some sort of fancy headphones with antennas".
The earpieces are very big half globes with yellow and slighty
pink circles. They are connected with a cobalt blue head band.
Out of each earpieces comes a little olive green antenna with
light yellow, glowing globes on the ends.
With this costume Heather actually uses some light pink eyeshadow,
lipstick and a hint of pink blusher.
Around her neck she wears something that resembles a pink belt
with a big red, silver framed heart on the front.
Now here is one of the things that is special about this costume.
We all know that Team Silent goes crazy with making details
as realisitc as possible, but here the belt holes look like
white dots painted on the pink belt instead of real holes. Same
thing happens with the bigger version of the belt which Heather
wears around her hips, from further away the white dots look
like belt holes through which you can see the white dress, but
up close they look simply painted.
Just like the big pink heart on the front of her dress, which
in the game actually glows in the dark. Its color is darker
in the middle
and turns more pale towards the edge.
It is rather difficult for me to define what material the dress
itself is made from. I think it is some thin, non shiny vinyl,
since the material seems rather stiff especially in the skirt
area. It does not wrinkle nor does it flow softly enough to
be normal fabric.
The dress shows a little bit of cleavage and has a deep red
stand up collar and has several dark, ornamental seams. Also
on the sides from under her arms down to the hem the dress has
some sort of button tape. This too look more painted though
than actually being a 3D detail, so it is your choice if you
want to draw it on the dress or sew the ornamental seams and
buttons to it. The latter might make your costume look more
convincing though, same with the white belt holes. The shoulder
pieces of the dress are another one of those weird things. Big,
almost completely round and of the same pink as the pink used
on the earpieces of the "headphones". The armholes
are golden metallic rings with blue, red and yellow gems embedded.
Heather wears a belt with a heart around her hips which is a
bigger version of the one she wears as a choker. Deep
red, long satin sleeves should be the easiest thing to find,
especially during prom-season.
Heather's boots are cobalt blue and have a pink soles and lining
as well as a fine pink line on the top edge. The front of the
boots is V-cut, the upper back has a very slight v-cut to it.
On the sides the boots show a row of five white stars each.
Looking painted again but if you get flat little 3D stars and
glue them to your boots it will look