Lisa Garland- Silent Hill 3 |
hair is about shoulder-length and the color
varies between light blond in the ingame graphics
and strawberry blond in the FMVs and most of the artworks. She
wears a nurse hat of a somewhat indefinable shape as well as green
The nurse dress is white, almost knee-long, with a
rather low cleavage and a big but simple collar. It
has a small pocket on the top left and a bigger
pocket on the bottom right and is worn with a
white belt. In the game Lisa carries a pen in the
upper pocket.
Such a dress can easily be made or you can try to
find a similar one online, look for "vintage nurse
dress" for best results.
Lisa wears a waist-length, red sweater jacket over the dress which
doesn't show buttons or a zipper, the green badge on the right
arm and on her upper pocket say SP
For some reason Lisa seems to find red pumps the
most comfortable shoes to perform her duties in. The heel is not
very high though, something between one and two inches.
Last but not least, do not forget to get red nail polish that
matches the color of the jacket and shoes.
If you decide to do the bloody version of Lisa, simply get some
fake blood and - if desired - make/buy a second dress.
Straywind made it: |
I decided to make this costume I planned to buy a nurse dress
to modify but after a long search I gave up because the collar
of Lisa's dress has such a specific look to it. The base pattern
for the dress was Simplicity pattern number 4632. I used a collar
from a different old pattern though.
Much like my dress
for Alessa, I had to make my own belt for the costume, which was
sewn into the side seams and closed in the front using velcro
with a modified buckle sewn on top.
The fabric that I used for the dress was really thick (mostly
for the sake of my modesty) but that made it hard to use for a
dress as it's really stiff. I would recommend using a thinner
fabric for Lisa because it looks like hers may have a bit more
flow to it. At the same time, uniforms do tend to be
a bit stiff looking so it's all about finding balance. I messed
up on the length of the skirt when I first made my dress (I made
it too short) but I re-made the skirt and sewed it in at the waist
after I wore this costume for the first time so it's more accurate.
The wig was from eBay. I searched for blonde wigs with skin tops
till I found one that was the perfect shade for the costume. My
mother knit my sweater for me. I can’t thank her enough for that.
Since it was hand-made the sweater doesn’t have buttons and has
a more accurate look to it versus my original plan that was to
buy and modify a store bought sweater.
The hat was made by modifying a pattern from the sewing section
of I would recommend Googling to find the pattern for
pretty much all the nurse costumes from the Silent Hill games.
My red high heels were a pain to wear but looked really nice.
I also found them on eBay. I made my green badge on the computer
using Photoshop and a lot of trial and error and the armband was
made from a scrap of leftover material from my Heather skirt.
I made a stencil and traced the "SP" lettering using permanent
marker. I then sewed the armband to my sweater. This turned out
to be a very complicated costume with a lot of detail but it was
so worth it when I finally got to wear the finished product.