Eddie Dombrowski - Silent Hill 2 |
outfit is actually rather easy to make. The most difficult part
here is the physical appearance, since Eddie is one of the very
few obese Silent Hill characters.
He has medium-short, light blond hair under a blue denim baseball
cap which he wears backwards and slightly pulled down at the back
of his head. The hat has an adjustable strap on the back with
a silver buckle.
He wears a worn looking polo shirt with thick light & medium
blue horizontal stripes. The collar and the button tape are white.
All over the colors of the shirt look rather washed out.
Additionally his shirt is dirty; it seems to have a lot of sweat
stains on the front, the upper back and under the arms. You might
be able to fake those by applying cooking oil onto the fabric
and let it dry.
On the front left is a small dark indigo logo. It has a small
oblong circle inside a larger oblong circle, with some letters
between the circles on the top and the bottom.
It is difficult to make out what it says because I could not find
a render that is big enough, and in-game as well as in the FMVs
it is too blurred to make it all out. The top seems to read "SAW",
on the bottom is a word beginning with NO (?). Maybe "NORTH"?
Eddie wears his shirt tucked in his dark brown, knee long shorts,
which are of a very plain design with no pockets on the front
but only two pockets on the back.
There is no belt or visible belt loops, I suspect that these shorts
have some sort of elastic waistband/front zipper combo going on.
Maybe not even a zipper since there is not button showing.
His shoes are old, dirty white and black tennis shoes and Eddie
has thick, dark reddish brown socks, of which only the right one
is pulled up. He also wears thick dark blue wrist bands.
A revolver or a slice of pizza will be very appropriate props.