The Silent Hill
Movie featured its very own nurses; based on the Bubblehead
Nurse from Silent Hill 2, the Dark Nurse resembles her in means
of being another version of the disturbingly sexy, distorted-faced
hospital staff. (Clicking on her right side will show you pictures
of her back, clicking on her left side pictures of her front.)
Thanks to the making of the creatures, I got some decent screen
shots of different style nurse faces as well as general pictures
of the entire costume. As you can see, the faces of the extras
are covered with a latex mask that looks like melting, rotting
skin with no normal facial features. It has ridges and big,
deep wrinkles, holes. Overall it looks like a really bad burn
Their entire skin is gray-ish pale, with more or less dark veins
and in some cases little speckles/splatters. Those veins are
are more concentrated and visible on the head, the chest, the
back of the hands and from the knees down. In some cases they
are fine, dark lines, in other cases thick, soft lines in blue
and red, and in other cases just barely visible. The front half
of the fingers is blackened.
Dark Nurses wear a very skimpy dresses which according to the
makers of the movie are supposed to be/look like rotting skin.
The dresses seen in the movie were made out of latex, but I
guess it should work to first make the dress out of thin fabric
and then add layers of liquid latex or dragon skin over it until
it resembles the texture of the movie dresses.
The hemline of the
dress and the sleeves appear torn, the nurse hat too does not
look sewn but made of rotting skin. I'd suggest to play around
with fabric and liquid latex/dragon skin and mixed in tissue
for the bumps and other details and see how all this works for
you. The color of the dress and hat varies from nurse to nurse,
but overall is a dirty light to dark beige with soft yellow,
red and blue/green areas to it, giving it kind of the look of
bruised, dead skin.
The nurses in the movie were the first Silent Hill nurses to
wear high heels. These are off white and dirty with a rounded
front. Non of the nurses wears shoes with pointed front!
Another thing to keep in mind is that the Dark Nurse too does
not have any fresh blood anywhere, so try to stay away from
it. This will make your costume look more convincing.