Silent Hill Origins Alessa is only seven years old. It sureley
is more convincing when a shorter cosplayer is doing this costume,
considering the average seven year old girl being only 43 inches
Aside from that a few things about her physical appearance have
been changed, most likely inspired by the look of the movie
version of Alessa. In Origins her eyes are blue, and in the
in-game graphics her hair is a warm medium brown, while in the
FMV she still has the natural black hair; most of the time it
is worn in a pony tail.
school uniform seems to be a one piece dress now with a belt
around the waist. The belt has two o-shaped buttons or buckles
on the front which are white in the ingame graphics. In the
FMVs the buttons are missing. The dress is longer than it was
in Silent Hill 1, showing only about two inches of skin above
her knees. No earrings!
The collar of the dress shirt is a little smaller and covers
less of the chest, and instead of a red ribbon the school uniform
includes a red and black striped tie which is tucked in underneath
the dress.
The shoes from the original game have been replaced with flat